Saving, Navigating and Printing the Beautelle Brochure, Price List & Order Form

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To save the brochure, price list or order form to your PC:
  1. Click the Save button on the Adobe Reader toolbar.
  2. A notification may appear, warning you that you cannot edit the original file but may save copies of it. If so, click OK.
  3.  Open a save location, e.g. C:\My Documents, or create a folder, e.g. C:\beautelle
  4. Give the file a name, e.g. brochure
  5. Click Save.

To navigate ...

either... click on the index (heading or sub-heading) at the bottom of page 2 of the brochure
&/or...Page through the brochure:  These arrow keys (in order from left to right) let you move to the first, previous, next, or last page of your document. Graphic:  Paging toolbar
&/or...Click on the Pages tab to display page thumbnails. Click on a thumbnail to see that page displayed in main window.

To print:

  1. Click the Print button  on the Adobe Reader toolbar 
  2. Check the print options - these will allow you to print all pages or select specific pages for printing
  3. Click OK.